Monday, January 17, 2011

Sad quotes about life and love

Sad Quotes about Life and Love

Why do people like quotes about life and love

I still haven't figured out an answer to this question completely. I understand that often quotes about life and love have a poetic quality that makes them feel familiar and true because we have experience them as true. But sometimes quotes about life and love can feel trite, cliche, cheesy, or like the ones in this video, have a distinctly pity-party feel to them. One must tread carefully the line between quotes about life and love that are helping us through a rough time and those that are keeping us mired in our brokenness. Being mired is never a good sign.

Who writes these quotes about life and love anyway

Really, who? I understand they are probably written by people going through unhappiness (obviously, I'm focusing in on the sad quotes about life and love here), but what kind of unhappiness? Are these quotes about life and love written by middle-schoolers whose girlfriend/boyfriend of two weeks dumped them for someone more popular? Or are these quotes about life and love written by people who have lost spouses of years or decades? While I mean no disrespect, and there certainly is a good deal of pain that middle schoolers and high schoolers have to go through, to assume that the pain of the loss of a lover of a week or two is the same as that for a lover of half your life is, well, preposterous. There is relativity in loss, we all know this to be true.

Auras of quotes about life and love

So I sometimes wonder if the quotes about life and love that seem tritest, cheesiest, least genuine and deep and meaningful are the ones that are written by those who have not experienced that really deep loss yet. Granted, if that is the only loss you have experienced then it is a really deep loss. But I digress. After all, often the most meaningful, poetic, true quotes about life and love are the ones that have been written by those who have lost a parent, a spouse, a child, a sibling, a best friend that they grew up with. Those quotes about life and love have more weight, more clout, more eternity behind them. So perhaps even things as simple as quotes about life and love have auras, have a spiritual sense that can tell us on a subconscious level whether there is much truth or little truth or no truth in the heart of the writing. Or perhaps we just cannot write truth until we have lived through it, experienced it, or learned to really empathize. After all, if we really think our loss of a canary is equal to someone else's loss of a mother, we might be deluding ourselves a bit (or way too attached to our canary).